Below are 2 before and after shots of a table purchased from a very good friend of ours a few days ago.
"Mesa de Camilla"

This is an example of a superb piece of traditional Spanish furniture. We have bought this table for our kitchen and as well as looking perfectly in place will also provide practical use for years to come. The table is well used and quite old which all adds to the character and charm.
Restoration: 2 hours sanding, then stained with "aceite de linaza" and finally varnished.
How neat! That table has a lot of character. Bravo to you for not decorating your cave in Ikea. :) (Not that I have anything against Ikea, I just think you have the right idea to go rustic.)
Hey Mr Man I have a heater that sits in that little cut out below the table, it keeps yer tootsies warm when it is a bit nippy.
I also have a cheap and nasty version of that table, I much prefer your restored bargain :-)
P.S Changed my blog template and it lost all my links Doh! have a look and a laugh I think I got it all back ok.
Angie: many thanks, cave decor I think should be rustic, just has a more "typical Andalucian" feel.
Thanks for your comments (positive as always :))
Spainblog: That new blog template looks better. Love the last post and looking forward to the next one too, ermm "yeso" "water pipes" and what else??? I knew you would give me some competition!!, lol
Get some piccies up there of your project - now that would be good.
Your wish is my command Mr Man shall get cracking on it now, how is Gandalf doing ??
CR, that's what I call a good job! Lots of elbow grease!
Hope that you will contribute to my food blog when it gets going!
Cream: No probs, will be watching the new blog without a doubt, maybe swap some ideas? Glad you got Sreamers back too...Phew! :)
All the best, CR
Right, now you are still missing the metal part that goes on the hole in the bottom, to hold the hot coals. :D
Looks like you did a great job but - dude, hate to burst yer bubble - but there's a hole in that table!
:) a sense of humour is always welcome - you saying my new table is bust?
like the Bohemian btw - great
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