Building a bed. We have seen several built in beds in various caves over the past few months and the idea is good, huge storage space can be designed.... A mattress was purchased, measured and the work began.

Design flexibility is key, the bed can be adapted to any size with built in compartments/shelves etc etc below is the finished construction detailing 3 large compartments ideal for storing duvets/clothes/Action man & Bob the builder.

...and of course YESO. The frame was built in 2 stages, firstly the outer frame and bed head and then the inner frame and storage. The mattress sits on top of the inner frame fitting the whole bed to perfection. The important thing was to get everything level - this took time but is essential. 24 hours for the yeso to dry and the bed was painted blending nicely into the walls

Cost: 180 bricks @ 17 cents each, 4 bags yeso, 1 bag cement, 5 ltrs paint €48.60, mattress €89
todays cave temperature: 22 degrees
Looks cracking CR but I had a twinge of guilt as I guessed u needed your cement mixer for that.....sorry :-(
Ideal for when he gets older too as kids have a habit of shoving things under their beds instead of doing the tidy up they were told to do. Mine were masters at it....lol
Hi Van, hey no probs - it was only two wheelbarrows of cement :)
no worries :) see you soon
CR, it looks really good! CR Jr. will be able to hide all sorts under the mattress!
You'll have to decorate it with mosaics as in our Tapas bar! Piece of cake if you have the time!
Wish I'd known you were after a mattress - I have a brand new one that we don't want!
Cream: I have seen pics of your bars, now that idea is way too good! might have to consult Mrs Cr unless it simply gets done before she comes home one day...:)
Sal: Too late!!!! cant believe it! if you still have it when the new bedroom gets dug out....prehaps then eh? See you guys soon. CR
Oh I need a new mattress...me me me. That is of course if CR does not want it. :-) I also need builders and a magic wand ;-/ I don't want to be bob the builder anymore I am sooooooo tired.
If you're serious, the mattress is a small (widthways) single and brand new. Sorry, but I'm fresh out of magic wands! x
It sure beats ikea furniture!
Yep Sally serious, I need two single beds for one of the spare rooms, and being as it is already in the area it would be superb I have the bed bases. As long as CR does not want it, would not like to step on his tootsie :-)
Dcver: still self assembly my friend but prehaps a bit stronger...
Van/Sal: Lets end the mattress war! I give up! :)) its all yours Van, speak soon
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