So gardening is the task of the week (providing the weather doesnt take a down turn which could well happen!) The past few years we have missed the seasons due to work and renovation etc but this year with the outside space almost finished we have decided to plan the garden so come summer it will be crammed with herbs and colour.
A little snow is still left on the tops of the Sierra de Maria mountains, picture post card stuff on a day like this. It could be mid summer with the blue sky and not a cloud in sight.
The terracotta plant pot, so cheap in Spain that you can buy hundreds of them! We filled ours with a manure compost mix (see compost post) then filled the top with top soil. An extension of a raised bed has been approved by the neighbours and we are planning to have an assortment of potatoes, lettuce, beetroot, courgettes, carrots and other salad type veggies. It will also save a few euros over the summer plus it always tends to taste better when you grow it yourself..
Nice one mates I look foward to sharing some of your home grown prodive in the future.
Atila, are you a courgette or a carrot Nun? :-)
Good luck with the gardening - I too will be planting very soon and cant wait to eat something I have managed to grow!!!
Always a courgette Nun mate, never mind the quality feel the width....OMG I dont believe I just said that :-(
Serious note we are terracing the mountain so we can grow things there with the irrigation coming from bro's waste water. Grey water
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