We all know storms are an occurance in the region, they dont happen often but when they do the amount of rain delivered is usualy quite substantial. Last weekend it was late afternoon and I was watching the lightening from the safety of the cave door, quite spectacular as the sky was black and being lit up every other moment. The rain was coming down quite hard too and humidity was high...
All of a sudden there was an almighty CRACK!!! - a noise like I have never heard before. The lightneing was directly above us and hit the electric pylon 30m away. The pylon lit up white the fuse box tripped and I almost s**t. From then on we had no electricity for 12 hours.
Next morning when the policeman came to pick up CR Junior for school he was on the phone to the electric board - apparently someone else in the hamlet hadnt been so lucky.. As this individuals cave electric supply takes a more direct route to the pylon when the lightening struck it blew the whole fuse box away from the wall. The policeman said there were shards of plastic embedded in the plaster on the opposite wall 5 meters away.
Fortunatly, although in the cave the owner was OK although a bit shaken. Carefull with that fuse box in a thunder storm....
Really frightening!
and LOUD!!! even louder than the earth tremmor last year...makes life more exciting in a funny way and also lets you know Mother Nature is ultimatly in charge..
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