Holiday homes in the area are starting to be occupied again so old friends are back for a good old Spanish BBQ too, which is always a good night. With the holiday season though come the Gaurdia Civil... so carefull with the accelerator (especialy between Galera and Huescar junctions)
Billy Connoly once said on stage (live at the paladium DVD) he would walk down the streets of Glasgow listening for a party - people seem to do the same in Fuente Nueva on a Saturday night, just when you think the night has faded and the BBQ gone out some crackerjack turns up with a tray of tapas and 2 litres of wine.
Great stuff :)
Life should be like that... Friends calling in without having to be invited...
If you want a bit of water to put out the fire, just ask...
We're lucky up here but just 75 miles South they're having it very bad...
Crashing in on friends, having friends crashing on us... is there other way to live? :D
Cream: will pass on the water although I am sure you have plenty!
DC: Agreed, you never know what a Saturday night will turn out like, the best get togethers are always the unplanned ones.
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