

Storage unit/Yeso

More bedroom storage.... You can never be short of storage in a cave, the best way is to carve out the wall as I have detailed before on the blog but in the room pictured below this is not possible due to main supporting walls and the general layout. So off to the builders yard we went, spent €12 euros and came back with 6 shelves, 18 bricks and a bag of yeso...

structure - we only used bricks on one side, for the other we plugged and screwed the wall and left the screws proud so one end of the shelf could just rest on them.

You may think that bricks need to laid with cement, with a simple unit like this yeso rapido is more than strong enough to bind the bricks and shelves. First the unit was built up then spot yeso'd to join it together.

Shelves simply resting on two screws, then plasterd in to secure to the wall

nearly done...the whole unit plastered in and being painted, the unit is floor to ceiling and has been blended into the walls so it looks like its been there forever. Very simple and very cheap.

Total time for the job was around 5 hours - most of this waiting for yeso to dry before painting. So we have ended up with a practical storage unit for less than €20.00

Tip: when using yeso with bare bricks, wait until the yeso becomes very thick before filling over the ends - the holes that run the length of the brick are quite large so need to be filled with a more dense plaster.

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