Pick of the bunch is the photo below, an earwig minding his own business in the rose petals.
Poppies: by the thousand in rural Spain, cave gardens can become full of them if they are not controlled, some of the fields are simply a blanket of red.
Spotted this feller and four of his mates resting under the pergola beams, there are bees and there are bees, a good inch long and quite round this bee may or may not sting, either way he looks menacing!
...and the Spanish fly...I like this pic of the most of annoying of Mother Natures creations without argument. This year there are billions of them, this is our fourth summer here and never before have we seen so many, maybe its because its been quite a wet Spring then with sudden temperatures well into the mid thirties.
For more on rural gardens in Andalucia visit the cave gardening page at our website www.livinginacave.com
Great Photos - you must have a really good camera (I could never get a clear close up like that).
I too have been busy in the garden, watered the land last night and been to check the plants today. Looks like we will be eating some homegrown items in a couple of weeks. Cant wait.
Got 60 pea plants going in this week.!!!
The Spanish Fly......GGGGGRRRRrrrr.
We had a BBQ today having finished off some major outside work on the stairway, and the flies were there in their millions. Had a stroke of luck as the wind picked up and took them all away.
Bro had his camera out today and got some very good Macro shots of lots of the little bug fellas.
Little lost dog is still with us and getting better by the day, amazing what a bit of grub and a bit of loving can do for one these little stray dogs. She is still a little minxy pants but not a bad bone in her body.
I am sitting here at stupid O'clock, because I cannot sleep, hayfever and over active brain are not helping.
Great photos, CR.
Great pics.
What are you shooting with?
DC: Nothing special, just a 180 euro Olympus FE120. We bought it for photos to put on our website, since then we,ve been experimenting. The good light in Spain is always a bonus!
My Camera is an Olympus FE-170 but never taken anything as good as those piccies!!!
Must be a better model!
Kate: keep the cam on auto but with super close up mode, it wont flash so the light has to be good, then get as close as you can to the subject, the pic in the lense will look blurred but it will focus after you press that button! let me know how you get on.
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